The 19th orthopedic academic conference yeChinese Medical Association uye 12th Chinese Orthopedic Association (COA) yakaitwa muZhuhai, Guangdong Province kubva munaNovember 15 kusvika 18, 2017. Ndinotarisira kusangana newe kuShuangyang Medical booth....
The 18th orthopedic academic conference and 11th COA international academic conference in 2016 yakaitwa muBeijing National Conference Center kubva November 17, 2016 kusvika November 20, 2016. Ndinotarisira kusangana newe kuShuangyang Medical booth....
The 16th Chinese Orthopedic academic conference uye 9th Chinese Orthopedic Association (COA) ichaitwa muBeijing National Conference Center kubva munaNovember 20 kusvika 23, 2014. Ndinotarisira kusangana newe kuShuangyang Medical booth....
Gara uchinatsiridza hunhu hwekutonga system zvinoenderana neGood Manufacturing Practice for Medical Devices (Trial) uye Enforcement Regulation for Implantable Medical Devices of Good Manufacturing Practice for Medical Devices (Muedzo)